Resultados: 21

Estudos experimentais desenvolvidos por enfermeiros brasileiros: revisão integrativa

Objetivo: descrever a produção nacional da Enfermagem brasileira de estudos experimentais publicados nos últimos cinco anos. Método: revisão integrativa realizada nas bases de dados MEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL e Scopus e na Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde. Para a estratégia de busca, utilizaram-se os desc...

Nem heróis, nem novo e nem normal: a pandemia e as práticas profissionais da enfermagem

Editorial com o objetivo de refletir sobre as práticas profissionais de enfermagem e a pandemia do SARS-CoV-2 no Sistema Único de Saúde. MÉTODO: artigo de reflexão. RESULTADOS: Há sofrimento e morte assim como exposição das precárias condições de trabalho da enfermagem no ano proposto para hom...

Professional Autonomy as Centrality in Best Practices in Nursing

Rev. bras. enferm; 73 (2), 2020
ABSTRACT Objectives: to reflect on professional, user and family autonomy as a centrality in Best Practices in nursing in Brazil. Methods: this is a theoretical-reflective study. Results: from a retrospective look at the creation and evolution of nursing autonomy in its knowledge and care practices, i...

Tarsila do Amaral and Glete de Alcântara: history in art and photography

Rev. bras. enferm; 73 (2), 2020
ABSTRACT Objectives: to analyze the canvas "Retrato de Glete de Alcântara" (freely translated as Portrait of Glete de Alcântara) and discuss the effect of the canvas for Tarsila do Amaral and for Brazilian nursing. Methods: a study in the historical perspective, in the field of visual culture, with a...

Transition to motherhood and mothering for women in wheelchairs: a nursing perspective

Rev. bras. enferm; 72 (supl.3), 2019
ABSTRACT Objective: To discuss the process of transition to motherhood and mothering of women who are wheelchair users, from the perspective of Afaf Ibrahim Meleis. Method: Qualitative, descriptive, exploratory study conducted with six women in the state of Rio de Janeiro. The Life Narrative method was...

Critical Requirements for Nursing Practice in Rural Disasters Caused by Floods

Rev. bras. enferm; 72 (3), 2019
ABSTRACT Objective: To identify critical requirements for nursing practice when responding to hydrological disasters in the rural area. Method: A descriptive, exploratory and qualitative study was developed. The Critical Incidents Technique was adopted. Twenty public health nurses who worked during the...

Attitudes of nursing students toward to the suicidal behavior

ABSTRACT Objective: to investigate attitudes related to suicidal behavior and associated factors, among students in the last year of an undergraduate nursing course. Methods: a cross-sectional study with 111 nursing students from a Brazilian educational institution. The data were collected in 2017, by ...

Developmental Care: assistance of nurses from Neonatal Intensive Care Units

Rev. bras. enferm; 71 (supl.6), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the Developmental Care in nursing care for Newborns in critical Neonatal Intensive Care Units. Method: a qualitative study with 11 nurses from Neonatal Intensive Care Units of a city in the State of São Paulo countryside, based on the Developmental Care. Data collection ...

Percepção de enfermeiras quanto ao ensino e aprendizagem da gestão em enfermagem

Objetivo: Desvelar a percepção de enfermeiras quanto ao ensino e aprendizagem do componente curricular de Gestão e Gerenciamento em Saúde e Enfermagem e os subsídios para a atuação profissional. Método: Estudo com abordagem qualitativa, norteada pelo Itinerário de Pesquisa de Paulo Freire. Resul...